

Master Cleans and Random Fat Burning

I just want to say that my body is so weird. So over the past month I have tried to go on the master cleanse about 4 times and my body is not having it. I guess it's sick of me starving myself. When I first went on the master cleanse and then stopped my body would not gain or lose any weight. It just stayed the same no matter what. Then when I started again( and this only lasted for about 2 days) it lost weight and then gained it back as soon as I started eating. With most people when you start eating light, which is fruits and vegetables, your body will continue to lose weight because it is not starving and it has Bo burn what you are putting in it. Then you are suppose to increase your calories by 100 calories a week until you are back at your metabolic body rate. Well too bad my body does not work like that. So for everyone doing the diet I urge you to figure out what works for your body and if you are aiming to keep the weight off watch what you are eating as well as your calories.

Now we fast forward to months later. I start eating my basic diet of fish vegetables and my occasional vegan cookie ( and birthday cake) and my body is a fat burning machine. Well I did keep of the 35 pounds that I lost and the 15 or so I lost from doing the master cleanse. But my journey is not over.

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