

H2O2 Therapy - H2O2 Cleanse

So right now I'm staring my h2o2 therapy and trying to eat right. Day one has been hell! I'm detoxing from sugar and doing h2o2 at the same time. I have the worst brain fog and I'm tired. I hope this starts to make me feel better instead of worst.


DGA Test Overview ( Directors Guild Of America)

Are you a hopeful who is going to take the dga test. So I do have a little information about what to expect on the directors guild of America test ( dga) since I took it a couple of times.

I remember when I was looking for an overview of the Directors Guild of America Test I could not find one anywhere. I made a basic overview of the test and what to expect. I DO NOT HAVE THE ANSWERS! But I think it will be to your advantage to at least know what to expect.

Click Here For an overview of the test - This is an overview of the test that will be sent to you after making a $5 Payment. There are no refunds, exchanges etc. All payments are final.


Losing 300 pounds

What an incredible story about a woman who lost 300 pounds. She did regular diet and exercising and no excuses I have another 40 to go and I don't have her dedication.;_ylt=AlOSmumJvwixqPTCq5NUgLOz174F;_ylu=X3oDMTB1bGcwM3A1BHBvcwMyBHNlYwNjbGlwcwRzbGsDbm93cGxheWluZw--