


Flood Your Body with OxygenHerpes

There are many alternatives to the most popular herpes medications, Acyclovir (Zovirax), famciclovir (Famvir), and valacyclovir (Valtrex). There are hundreds and thousands of people using alternative treatment and benefiting tremendously from it some would even go the length to say that they are cured. If you would like help try one of our Health Counseling Sessions or you can Contact Us and ask us any questions that you may have.So what is herpes? Genital herpes, medically defined as: "an infection caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV), which has an affinity for the skin and nervous system and usually produces small, transient, irritating, and sometimes painful fluid-filled blisters on the skin and mucous membrane. HSV 1 (oral, herpes labialis) infections tend to occur in the facial area, particularly around the mouth and nose. HSV2 (genitalis) infections are usually limited to the genital region. SOURCE: Mosby's Medical Dictionary, 3rd edition (1990), pg. 564

Herpes is a blood disorder like Epson barr, chickenpox, exema, and shingles. Basically, herpes (both types) are blood disorders because any skin (or mucous membrane, which is internal skin) disorder is a blood disorder.

Genital herpes got its name because it occurs on the genitalia and is contracted during sexual intercourse, it is considered a STD (sexually transmitted disease) in addition to being a blood disorder.

There are several things that you can do that will either lesson the number, degree, or length of outbreaks. In trying alternative methods you must be patient because things do not happen overnight ( even though it may seem as though it did) and everything does not work for everyone! People often complain that the treatment that someone else used is not working for them, and this may be true. No two people are alike so it may take a little extra time or more things to clear up your situation.

Alternative ways to heal:

1. Diet Change- many people benefit from even a slight diet change. Less red meet and dairy is reccomended.
2. Ph balance- Your body’s ph has a lot to do if a disease is present. When embarking in a diet change many people often chose foods that will raise their ph to the body’s optimum level at about 7.3
3. Herbs-
a. Anti-viral herbs that can assist in the healing of genital herpes includes: Black Walnut Hulls, White Oak Bark, Neem, Myrrh, Echinacea, Goldenseal, Tronodora, Usnea, Cama fruit, Olive Leaf, St. John's Wort, Ligustrum, Mullein leaf, Burdock Root, Yellow Dock Wood, and Bear's Garlic.
b. Anti-inflammatory herbs for burning of the urethra include: Water Eryngo, Cubeb berries, Guaiac, Cleavers, Buchu, and Comfrey root. Aloe Vera gel is also great for alleviating the pain of inflammation.
c. Anti-worm and anti-parasite (anthelmintic) herbs include: Tansy, Southernwood, Peach Tree Bark, Male Fern, Pumpkin Seed, Worm seed, Goldenseal, Pink Root, Cayenne, Garlic, Epazote, Black Walnut Hulls, Cloves, Neem, Wormwood, Betel Nut, Quassia, and Rue.
d. Nervine herbs to counteract stress (which leads to outbreaks) include: Valerian Root, Jatamansi, Chamomile, Kava Kava, Cinnamon, St. John's Wort, Passionflower, Lavender Flower, Wild Lettuce, and Blue Vervain.

4. Oxygen- one of the most powerful substances one can have. (see article on oxygen)
5. Change your thoughts- This may seem very fairy-tale-like but your thoughts create your world. If you change your thoughts to positive thoughts and create good energy then the world around you changes.
A great book is Flood Your Body with Oxygen this book is not specifically for Herpes, but it gives you back ground information about your body and ways that you can heal yourself. Check out the bentonite clay article to see how bentonite clay herpes can help,

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