

Vitamin Supplements

Vitamin Supplements

Everyone is taking Vitamin Supplements . Please note that not all vitamins are created equally; let us start with why we need a vitamin. Back in the day people were not taking vitamins/did not need vitamin, even now in some very isolated cultures people are not taking vitamins mainly because we should get all of the vitamins and minerals that we need from fresh fruits and vegetables. Do we need vitamin supplements? Yes! Now more than ever! With the new age of prepackaged overcooked food, vitamins and mineral supplements are a necessity.
Most cultures made their meals from a variety of fresh food that was grown locally. The locality of fruits and vegetables allows the plants more time in the earth or on the vine that time lets the food soak up all of the vitamins and minerals that come from the soil and the sun. Most foods today are not grown locally; the plane conveniently transports goods from Costa Rica to Pittsburgh and from California to Boston. This is not necessarily a terrible thing; it allows areas that are cold and barren during the winter to supply an abundance of produce to people. However, all foods deteriorate as they age so shipping them over great distances also depletes the nutrients. In addition, chemicals are often added to these fruits so that they can look ripe and fresh when you receive them.
The old farming methods allowed the soil to be cultivated correctly and they switched the seeds from season to season. Modern mass-production agriculture depletes nutrients from the soil without replenishing them. The application of synthetic fertilizers stimulates the growth of plants that look beautiful; however, the nutrient content is missing. As a result, when you have a salad or slice of multi grain bread, you're getting less nutrition today than from the identical foods grown in the same soil fifty years ago.

We then add the fact that we also overcook and over process are food which strips away more vitamins and nutrients. Even if you prepare your meals at home, most of your food is probably cooked, not raw. The more you cook food, the less its nutrient value. Of course, there are some foods, such as grains and dried legumes that you have to cook and soak because they're inedible when raw.

The diet was also more diverse allowing a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables to be eaten daily. Vitamin supplementation is not a supplement for a balanced and whole foods diet. The best thing to do is to incorporate a variety of fresh produce into your diet and take a multi vitamin and/or multi mineral supplement.
What are the benefits of a vitamin supplement?

What makes a vitamin good or bad?

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