

What are raw foods

What are raw foods

Raw Foods are an essential component to natural health. They are whole foods, unprocessed, not cooked or treated by any type of chemicals. You can dehydrate raw food in fact this is how raw foodist make some of their breads and treats. However, usually the term is used for food that has not been heated above 115°F. The belief is that when food is heated above this temperature the enzymes in the food are destroyed or denatured, and cannot provide the same nutritive value. Although there are exceptions, most people who follow a raw food diet are vegan or vegetarian.

• You will get more nutritional benefit from eating food in its natural state
• Your body will be able to release toxins
• You will be able to heal from disease faster
• Your skin will improve sometimes acne will totally disappear
• You will have more energy and even look a lot younger
• Fight obesity by allowing your body to naturally lose weight

You do not have to be a vegan or a vegetarian to enjoy a this diet. Most people try to incorporate 50 percent raw food into their daily diet. With this increase, you may see a dramatic difference in the overall quality of your life.

So what are some of the things that raw foodies eat? They eat fresh fruits, dried fruits, herbs, nuts, seeds, spices and seaweed. When buying food you should try to make it organic so you can limit the amount of pesticides that the food was exposed to. You can also use sweeteners but make sure they are raw sweeteners such as, Date sugar, Dried fruit, Raw honey and Sucanat are common sweeteners. Check out our raw roods grocery list!

What are Super foods

A new area of raw foods emerged called superfoods. Superfoods are vibrant, nutritionally dense foods.
• Powerful Sources of Clean Protein, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, antioxidants, good fats and oils, essential fatty and amino acids, and other nutrients.
• Promotes Nutritional Excellence, Health & Well Well-Being, Beauty Enhancement, Sustainable Agriculture, and the Transformation of Diet, Lifestyle, and Planet
Since we no longer get a full supply of vitamins and minerals from our soil, superfoods steps in to fill this void.

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